The Red-Haired Woman - Orhan Pamuk, Faber & Faber

16,10 €
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",Many years have now gone by, and jealousy compels me to keep her name a secret, even from my readers. But I must provide a full and truthful account of what happened.",It is mid-1980s Istanbul and Master Mahmut and his apprentice use ancient methods to dig wells - they are desperate to find water in a barren land. This is the tale of their struggle, but it is also a deeper investigation -

EAN: 9780571330300

Výrobca: Slovart

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",Many years have now gone by, and jealousy compels me to keep her name a secret, even from my readers. But I must provide a full and truthful account of what happened.",It is mid-1980s Istanbul and Master Mahmut and his apprentice use ancient methods to dig wells - they are desperate to find water in a barren land. This is the tale of their struggle, but it is also a deeper investigation - through mesmerising stories and images - into Pamuk's prevailing themes: fathers and sons, the state and individual freedom, reading and seeing. It is also a richly literary work: The Red-Haired Woman borrows from the tradition of the French conte philosophique and asks probing questions of ethics and of the role of art in our lives. It is both a short, realist text investigating a murder which took place thirty years ago near Istanbul - and a fictional inquiry into the literary foundations of civilizations, comparing two fundamental myths of the West and the East respectively: Sophocles's Oedipus Rex (a story of patricide) and Ferdowsi's tale of Rostam and Sohrab (a story of filicide).The Red-Haired Woman is a masterful and mesmerising work which further confirms Orhan Pamuk as one of our greatest novelists.


V našej podkategórii Knihy nájdete široký výber literatúry určenej pre všetkých nadšencov čítania. Ponúkame diela svetových autorov, bestsellery, ale aj menšie knižky, ktoré Vás oslovia svojou jedinečnou tematikou. Okrem bežne známej beletrie sa samozrejme venujeme aj odbornej literatúre, kde môžete nájsť návody a tipy na zlepšenie svojej práce, ale aj knihy so spoločenským či histórickým zameraním. Naši zákazníci oceňujú nielen širokú ponuku, ale aj rýchle dodanie a vždy kvalitné knihy. Vyberte si aj Vy z našej kategórie Knihy a rozšírte si obzory.

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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Filmy, knihy, hry > Knihy

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