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The Charlie Chaplin Archives

175,75 €
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Happy birthday, dear Tramp!. Celebrating Chaplin's life and work as his alter-ego turns 100. From Alaska to Zimbabwe, the bowler hat, cane, baggy trousers and outsized shoes of the Tramp is still the most recognized silhouette in the world, 100 years after Charlie Chaplin first created him. Celebrating his centenary, TASCHEN presents The Charlie Chaplin Archives, the ultimate book on the making of

EAN: 9783836538435

Výrobca: Penguin Books

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Happy birthday, dear Tramp!. Celebrating Chaplin's life and work as his alter-ego turns 100. From Alaska to Zimbabwe, the bowler hat, cane, baggy trousers and outsized shoes of the Tramp is still the most recognized silhouette in the world, 100 years after Charlie Chaplin first created him. Celebrating his centenary, TASCHEN presents The Charlie Chaplin Archives, the ultimate book on the making of Chaplin's films, using the vast resources of the Chaplin archives. Within a year of arriving in Hollywood in 1914, British-born Chaplin, playing the Tramp, had become the slapstick king of America. By the end of his second year on the silver screen. Chaplin's fame had spread worldwide. He was the first international film star and, with a million dollar contract, became one of the richest men in the world. With his own studio and his stock company of close collaborators, Chaplin began making his greatest movies: The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), The Circus (1928), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), and The Great Dictator (1940)-an unassailable collection of work that has enshrined him in the collective consciousness of world culture.With unrestricted access to his archives, this book offers insight into the process behind the Chaplin genius, from the impromptu spontaneity of his early shorts to the meticulous retakes and reworking of scenes and gags in his classic movies. Using 1,200 stills, memos, storyboards and on-set photos, as well as interviews with Chaplin and his closest collaborators, we see how Chaplin turned his caricature of the Tramp into a living character. The Tramp is the ultimate underdog, an everyman trying to survive economic depression, two World Wars, and the Cold War. Whatever crises life threw at him, the Tramp, and Chaplin, shrugged it off, straightened his shoulders, and walked off into a brighter future. This is the entire Chaplin life history in words and pictures.It features: 1,200 images including many previously unseen stills, on-set photos, memos, documents, storyboards, posters, and designs, plus scripts and images for unmade films; an oral history, told from the point of view of Chaplin himself, drawing upon his extensive writings, many of which have never been reprinted before; supplementary interviews with some of his closest collaborators; material from over 150 books of press clippings in Chaplin's archives, which range from his early days in music halls to his death; Chaplin's short films, from Making a Living (1914) to The Pilgrim (1923), as well as all of his feature-length movies, from The Kid (1921) to A Countess from Hong Kong (1967); and, (In first print editions) a filmstrip from the classic City Lights (1931), cut from a print in Chaplin's archives. It also includes documents from the Chaplin Archives Property and Copyright of Roy Export Company Establishment, scanned by Cineteca di Bologna.

Film - encyklopédie, ročenky

Vítajte na našom webe s podkategóriou Film - encyklopédie, ročenky, zasvätenou do sveta filmu a jeho histórie. Tu nájdete širokú škálu obrazových publikácií, ktoré vám poskytnú detailný pohľad na filmový priemysel. Naša encyklopédia ponúka hlboké preniknutie do filmu a jeho vývoja. Sme tu pre všetkých filmových nadšencov bez ohľadu na ich úroveň znalostí. Od začiatočníkov po expertov - máme všetko pre vás. Na našom webe nájdete rozsiahlu zbierku kníh, ktoré pokrývajú rôzne oblasti filmu. Začnite prechádzaním našou obrovskou zbierkou ročeniek, ktoré vám prinášajú najnovšie informácie o filmových trendy, novinky v priemysle a významné udalosti. Naša detinská encyklopédia je špeciálne zameraná na filmovú históriu. Ponúkame vám podrobné a dobre dokumentované články o klasických filmoch, slávnych režiséroch, herečkách, hercoch a mnoho ďalších aspektoch filmového sveta. Bez ohľadu na to, či máte záujem o staré či súčasné filmy, na našom webe nájdete to, čo hľadáte. Okrem toho ponúkame aj knihy s obrazovými publikáciami, ktoré vám poskytnú unikátny vizuálny prístup k filmovému umeniu. Tieto knihy sú plné krásnych fotografii, plagátov a ďalších výtvarných diel spojených s filmom. Získate tak jedinečnú možnosť ponoriť sa do vizuálnej stránky filmového sveta. Náš web je nielen zdrojom informácií, ale aj miestom, kde sa môžete podeliť o svoju vlastnú vášeň pre film. Sme aktívna komunita filmových nadšencov, kde môžete diskutovať o svojich obľúbených filmoch, odporúčať tituly ostatným a získať nové pohľady a perspektívy od iných členov komunity. Takže, nech už ste filmovým fanúšikom od detstva alebo objavujete filmovú kultúru prvýkrát, náš web s podkategóriou Film - encyklopédie, ročenky je to pravé miesto pre vás. Vstúpte do fascinujúceho sveta filmu a nechajte sa unášať nesmiernou škálou obrazových publikácií, ktoré ponúka naša stránka.

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