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Seal Target Geronimo

14,25 €
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SEAL TARGET GERONIMO is the inside account of the Bin Laden Mission, told by the men who were there to the only author they trusted, a former SEAL commander. On May 2, 2011, at 1:03 a.m. in Pakistan, a satellite uplink was sent from the town of Abbottabad crackling into the situation room of the White House in Washington, D.C.: ''Geronimo, Echo, KIA''. These words, spoken by a Navy SEAL, put paid to

EAN: 9781780874623

Výrobca: Quercus

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SEAL TARGET GERONIMO is the inside account of the Bin Laden Mission, told by the men who were there to the only author they trusted, a former SEAL commander. On May 2, 2011, at 1:03 a.m. in Pakistan, a satellite uplink was sent from the town of Abbottabad crackling into the situation room of the White House in Washington, D.C.: ''Geronimo, Echo, KIA''. These words, spoken by a Navy SEAL, put paid to Osama bin Laden's three-decade-long career of terror. This is the story of Bin Laden's relentless hunters and how they took down the terrorist mastermind, told by Chuck Pfarrer, a former assault element commander of SEAL Team Six. After talking to members of the SEAL team involved in the raid, Pfarrer shares never-before-revealed details of the historic raid and the men who planned and conducted it in an exclusive boots-on-the-ground account of what happened during each minute of the mission both inside the building and outside. Pfarrer takes readers inside the operation as the SEALs flew over the wall of Bin Laden's shabby compound and then penetrated deeper and deeper into the terrorist's lair, telling us just what it looked, sounded, and smelled like in that sweltering Pakistani suburb. He takes us to the exact spot where the al-Qaeda leader was cowering when the bullet entered his head. SEAL Target Geronimo is an explosive story of unparalleled valour, clockwork military precision, and deadly accuracy carried out by one of the most elite fighting forces in the world the U.S. Navy's SEAL Team Six.

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