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Private Paris

7,13 €
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  • Zľava 4%

When Jack Morgan stops by Private's Paris office, he envisions a quick hello during an otherwise relaxing trip filled with fine food and sightseeing. But Jack is quickly pressed into duty after a call from one of his most important clients asking Private to track down his young granddaughter who is on the run from a brutal drug dealer. As Jack scours the city, several members of Paris' cultural elite

EAN: 9780099594475

Výrobca: Cornerstone

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When Jack Morgan stops by Private's Paris office, he envisions a quick hello during an otherwise relaxing trip filled with fine food and sightseeing. But Jack is quickly pressed into duty after a call from one of his most important clients asking Private to track down his young granddaughter who is on the run from a brutal drug dealer. As Jack scours the city, several members of Paris' cultural elite are found dead - murdered in shocking, symbolic fashion - and the French police need Private's help.

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Koľko stojí Private Paris?
Momentálne je tovar v akcii za cenu 7,13 €
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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Knihy > Cudzojazyčná literatúra

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