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Porridge & Muesli - Healthy Recipes to Kick Start Your Day

21,38 €
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Porridge is the breakfast of choice for celebrities, chefs, athletes and slimmers, but it's also one of the most comforting foods out there - the ultimate winter breakfast. The latest superfood to grab media attention, oats are revered for their cholesterol-lowering properties and what's more, they are super cheap. We think of porridge and oatmeal as having a Scottish heritage but in fact versions

EAN: 9781910496299

Výrobca: Pavilion Books

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Porridge is the breakfast of choice for celebrities, chefs, athletes and slimmers, but it's also one of the most comforting foods out there - the ultimate winter breakfast. The latest superfood to grab media attention, oats are revered for their cholesterol-lowering properties and what's more, they are super cheap. We think of porridge and oatmeal as having a Scottish heritage but in fact versions using different grains originated from other parts of the world, including barley porridge from Norway. This delightful book offers a wealth of recipes for the porridge fan, with chapters on the different grains available, ideas for bircher muesli and granola, and wonderful fruit compotes and other toppings, you'll be amazed at how versatile this dish is. Choose from the 35 delicious recipes and give your breakfast a new lease of life.

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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Knihy > Cudzojazyčná literatúra

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