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Leroux - Zakoldovannoe kreslo

8,42 €
  • Na sklade
  • Zľava 4%

EAN: 9785352010112

Výrobca: Moskvadetská literatúra

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Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej webovej stránke, zameranej na cudzojazyčnú literatúru v oblasti vedy, techniky a elektrotechniky. Ak hľadáte knihy, články alebo materiály, ktoré vám pomôžu rozšíriť vaše vedomosti a zručnosti v týchto oblastiach, ste na správnom mieste. Naša knižnica vám ponúka široký výber literatúry v rôznych svetových jazykoch, aby ste si mohli vybrať ten, ktorý vám najviac vyhovuje. Cudzojazyčná literatúra sa stala neoddeliteľnou súčasťou akademickej a profesionálnej kariéry vo vede, technike a elektrotechnike. Preto sme sa rozhodli vytvoriť túto špeciálnu sekciu, kde môžete nájsť materiály v angličtine, nemčine, francúzštine a ďalších jazykoch. Na našej webovej stránke nájdete publikácie z rôznych oblastí vedy, techniky a elektrotechniky. Sme hrdí na to, že spolupracujeme s uznávanými autormi, výskumníkmi a odborníkmi z celého sveta, aby sme vám priniesli najnovšie poznatky a trendy v týchto oblastiach. Naše publikácie sú dôkladne vybrané, aby vám poskytli kvalitné a spoľahlivé informácie, ktoré vám pomôžu pri štúdiu, výskume alebo v praxi. Prehľadávanie našej webovej stránky je jednoduché a intuitívne. Môžete si vybrať jazyk a prehľadávať knihy podľa kategórií alebo autora. Okrem toho ponúkame aj funkciu vyhľadávania, ktorá vám umožní nájsť konkrétne témy alebo pojmy, ktoré vás zaujímajú. Po kliknutí na knihu získate podrobnejší popis, obsah a prípadne ukážky obsahu, aby ste si mohli urobiť predstavu o tom, čo môžete od knihy očakávať. Ak si vyberiete knihu, môžete ju jednoducho pridať do košíka a pokračovať v prehliadaní alebo si ju hneď zakúpiť. Naša webová stránka vám tiež umožňuje zdieľať informácie o knihách cez sociálne médiá alebo posielať odkazy na knihy priateľom a kolegom. Veríme, že vám naša webová stránka poskytne pohodlný a prístupný spôsob, ako získať cudzojazyčnú literatúru z oblasti vedy, techniky a elektrotechniky. Ak máte akékoľvek otázky alebo potrebujete pomoc, neváhajte nás kontaktnúť, radi vám pomôžeme. Tešíme sa na spoluprácu s vami a želáme vám príjemné prehliadanie našej webovej stránky!

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Koľko stojí Leroux - Zakoldovannoe kreslo?
Momentálne je tovar v akcii za cenu 8,42 €
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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Knihy > Cudzojazyčná literatúra

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All of Deadpool\'s fan-favorite flashback issues, collected in chronological order! (I mean, I think so...really, who can keep track?) First, Deadpool goes back to the 1950s to save Nick Fury from time-traveling Hitler! In the 1960s, Deadpool wreaks havoc on a cosmic level! In the 1970s, he hits the streets with Power Man and Iron Fist! In the 1980s, he matches wits with Iron Man! In the 1990s, Deadpool

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The Open Society and Its Enemies The Open Society and Its Enemies

Written in political exile during the Second World War and first published in 1945, Karl Popper\'s The Open Society and Its Enemies is one of the most influential books of the twentieth century. Hailed by Bertrand Russell as a \'vigorous and profound defence of democracy\', its now legendary attack on the philosophies of Plato, Hegel and Marx exposed the dangers inherent in centrally planned political

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Shortlisted for the Booker Prize. In a small East Anglian town, Florence Green decides, against polite but ruthless local opposition, to open a bookshop. Hardborough becomes a battleground. Florence has tried to change the way things have always been done, and as a result, she has to take on not only the people who have made themselves important, but natural and even supernatural forces too. Her fate

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Why bother getting out of bed when you could stay bundled up with that special someone and a book of cozy, cute comics. From the author of the bestselling Little Moments of Love comes Snug, a collection of comics that perfectly captures the honest, playful, and relatable snapshots of romantic life. Chetwynd\'s second book has the same charming and inviting style as her first and includes 50 percent

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From Africa, Burma, and Czechoslovakia to Turkey, Vietnam, and Wales here are more than 150 of the world\'s best-loved folktales from more than forty countries and cultures. These tales of wonder and transformation, of heroes and heroines, of love lost and won, of ogres and trolls, stories both jocular and cautionary and legends of pure enchantment will delight readers and storytellers of all ages.

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Shopaholic to the Stars Shopaholic to the Stars

Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) is in Hollywood ! It\'s as if all her life has been leading to this moment. She\'s hanging out with the stars. Or at least she will be, when she finally gets to meet movie superstar Sage Seymour, whom husband Luke is now managing. There\'s so much to see and do! And getting Minnie through the hurdles for her A-list Hollywood pre-school will require some her help. Becky

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Philippa Fisher tries and fails to summon a fairy, but is taken aback when Daisy, the new girl at school, announces that she is her fairy godmother - or godsister, since they are the same age. Daisy is not best pleased with Philippa, but she has a mission to fulfil and is obliged to stick with her until she has granted her three wishes. The three wishes are at the heart of a traditional story in a

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The British diplomat, Sir Benjamin Bathurst, walked around his horses and simply disappeared. A convict named Diderici faded from existence while exercising in a prison yard. An entire Roman Legion marched into nowhere and was never seen again. Where did they go to? Einstein calculated that Black Holes in the depths of space could function as doorways to parallel realities. But if such realities exist,

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My Life as a Fake My Life as a Fake

In Melbourne in the late 1940s, a young conservative poet named Christopher Chubb decides to teach his country a lesson about pretension and authenticity. But over the ensuing years his audacious act of literary ventriloquism takes on a much darker resonance. Having fled Melbourne for the seedy, sweaty streets of Kuala Lumpur, Chubb finds himself, just as Frankenstein was, haunted and pursued by his

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A talented photographer without equal, David Drebin is above all a storyteller. His brooding and glamorous works tell tales of lust and voyeurism--as well as seduction and escape. Not afraid to be daring, Drebin also tantalizes us with subtle allusio ns. His sweeping cinematic images feature the majestic backdrops of such world cities as Berlin, Paris and Rio de Janeiro. These photographs pulse with

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Movies of the 70s Movies of the 70s

The 1970s: that magical era betwixt the swinging 60s and the decadent 80s, the epoch of leisure suits and Afros, the age of disco music and platform shoes. As war raged on in Vietnam and the cold war continued to escalate, Hollywood began to heat up, recovering from its commercial crisis with box-office successes such as Star Wars, Jaws, The Exorcist, and The Godfather. Thanks to directors like Spielberg

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Since the first kiss recorded on film in 1896, erotic moving images have stimulated viewers and outraged public bodies. This book explores the meaning of eroticism and gives an overview of sex on the big screen by exploring different forms of sexual behavior or taboo-breaking in film. Included are intimate looks at ten of the most erotic movies ever made: including Last Tango in Paris, Betty Blue,

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Erwartung Erwartung

Marco ist fünfzehn und hasst sein Leben in einem Clan,dessen Mitglieder von ihrem gewalttätigen und zynischen Anführer Zola in die Kriminalität gezwungen werden. Als er sein Sklavendasein nicht mehr aushält und flieht, stößt er ganz in der Nähe von Zolas Wohnsitz auf eine Männerleiche Die Suche nach dem Mörder führt Carl, Assad, Rose und Gordon, den Neuen im Sonderdezernat Q, tief hinein in das Netzwerk

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Au village des Bastides Blanches, on hait ceux de Crespin. C\'est pourquoi lorsque Jean Cadoret, le Bossu, s\'installe la ferme des Romarins, on ne lui parle pas de la source cachée. Ce qui facilite les manuvres des Soubevran, le Papet et son neveu Ugolin. qui veulent lui racheter son domaine bas prix... Jean de Florette (1962), premier volume de L\'Eau des collines, marque, trente ans aprs Pirouettes,

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Das lyrische Werk Hermann Hesses (1877-1962) steht gleichwertig neben den großen Romanen \"Siddharta\", \"Der Steppenwolf\", \"Narziss und Goldmund\". Dem Autor selbst waren seine Gedichte stets unverzichtbare Möglichkeit zu unmittelbarem, wahrem Ausdruck von Sorgen und Sehnsüchten. Der Band \"Musik des Einsamen\" (1915) führt dies in eindrücklicher Weise vor Augen. In den leisen und zarten Tönen dieser

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Each volume in this series has a full Introduction, including biographical details and a further reading list.

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