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Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej webovej stránke, zameranej na cudzojazyčnú literatúru v oblasti vedy, techniky a elektrotechniky. Ak hľadáte knihy, články alebo materiály, ktoré vám pomôžu rozšíriť vaše vedomosti a zručnosti v týchto oblastiach, ste na správnom mieste. Naša knižnica vám ponúka široký výber literatúry v rôznych svetových jazykoch, aby ste si mohli vybrať ten, ktorý vám najviac vyhovuje. Cudzojazyčná literatúra sa stala neoddeliteľnou súčasťou akademickej a profesionálnej kariéry vo vede, technike a elektrotechnike. Preto sme sa rozhodli vytvoriť túto špeciálnu sekciu, kde môžete nájsť materiály v angličtine, nemčine, francúzštine a ďalších jazykoch. Na našej webovej stránke nájdete publikácie z rôznych oblastí vedy, techniky a elektrotechniky. Sme hrdí na to, že spolupracujeme s uznávanými autormi, výskumníkmi a odborníkmi z celého sveta, aby sme vám priniesli najnovšie poznatky a trendy v týchto oblastiach. Naše publikácie sú dôkladne vybrané, aby vám poskytli kvalitné a spoľahlivé informácie, ktoré vám pomôžu pri štúdiu, výskume alebo v praxi. Prehľadávanie našej webovej stránky je jednoduché a intuitívne. Môžete si vybrať jazyk a prehľadávať knihy podľa kategórií alebo autora. Okrem toho ponúkame aj funkciu vyhľadávania, ktorá vám umožní nájsť konkrétne témy alebo pojmy, ktoré vás zaujímajú. Po kliknutí na knihu získate podrobnejší popis, obsah a prípadne ukážky obsahu, aby ste si mohli urobiť predstavu o tom, čo môžete od knihy očakávať. Ak si vyberiete knihu, môžete ju jednoducho pridať do košíka a pokračovať v prehliadaní alebo si ju hneď zakúpiť. Naša webová stránka vám tiež umožňuje zdieľať informácie o knihách cez sociálne médiá alebo posielať odkazy na knihy priateľom a kolegom. Veríme, že vám naša webová stránka poskytne pohodlný a prístupný spôsob, ako získať cudzojazyčnú literatúru z oblasti vedy, techniky a elektrotechniky. Ak máte akékoľvek otázky alebo potrebujete pomoc, neváhajte nás kontaktnúť, radi vám pomôžeme. Tešíme sa na spoluprácu s vami a želáme vám príjemné prehliadanie našej webovej stránky!

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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Knihy > Cudzojazyčná literatúra

A Darker Shade of Magic A Darker Shade of Magic

Most people only know one London; but what if there were several? Kell is one of the last Travelers - magicians with a rare ability to travel between parallel Londons. There\'s Grey London, dirty and crowded and without magic, home to the mad king George III. There\'s Red London, where life and magic are revered. Then, White London, ruled by whoever has murdered their way to the throne. But once upon

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Deadlight Deadlight

Freshly promoted to the elite Major Crimes Team, DI Joe Faraday is thrown into the deep end with the investigation into the murder of prison officer Paul Coughlin. Was the violent Coughlin killed by a recently released con he brutalised in prison? Or is h

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Censoring an Iranian Love Story Censoring an Iranian Love Story

Truly original, CENSORING AN IRANIAN LOVE STORY is an incredibly imaginative yet always charming love story set in contemporary Iran that crackles with wit, verve and social comment: Sara falls in love with Dara through secret messages hidden in code in the pages of books that have been outlawed, but then something quite extraordinary and unexpected happens. Through adeptly handled asides to the reader,

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Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery

What does the name \'Agatha Christie\' mean? To many people, it means a book about a murder mystery - a \'whodunnit\'. \'I\'m reading an Agatha Christie,\' people say. \'I\'m not sure who the murderer is - I think it\'s ...\' But they are usually wrong, because it is not easy to guess the murderer\'s name before the end of the book. But who was Agatha Christie? What was she like? Was her life quiet

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William Shakespeare\'s The Jedi Doth Return William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return

Hot on the heels of theNew York Timesbest sellerWilliam Shakespeare\'s Star Warscomes the next two installments of the original trilogy:William Shakespeare\'s The Empire StrikethBackandWilliam Shakespeare\'s The Jed Doth Return. Return to the star-crossed galaxy far, far away as the brooding young hero, a power-mad emperor, and their jesting droids match wits, struggle for power, and soliloquize in

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Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair Truth About The Harry Quebert Affair

August 30, 1975. The day of the disappearance. The day Somerset, New Hampshire, lost its innocence. That summer, struggling author Harry Quebert fell in love with fifteen-year-old Nola Kellergan. Thirty-three years later, her body is dug up from his yard, along with a manuscript copy of the novel that made him a household name. Quebert is the only suspect. Marcus Goldman - Quebert\'s most gifted protege

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Soundless Soundless

For as long as Fei can remember, there has been no sound in her village. Her people are at the mercy of a mysterious faraway kingdom, which delivers food in return for precious metals mined from the treacherous cliffs surrounding them. When villagers begin to lose their sight, their rations shrink and many go hungry. Fei\'s home, the boy she loves, and her entire existence is plunged into crisis, under

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The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics - Boxed Set The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics - Boxed Set

A beautiful compilation of inspirational writings, featuring seven classic works in one box set. The box set includes: \'Mere Christianity\' \'The Screwtape Letters\' \'Surprised by Joy\' \'The Four Loves\' \'The Problem of Pain\' \'The Great Divorce\' \'Miracles\' C. S. Lewis\'s works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year, appealing to those seeking wisdom and calm in a hectic and

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Wolverine Old Man Logan 10 Wolverine Old Man Logan 10

When a mysterious unidentified flying object crash-lands in the Yukon, Old Man Logan is called to investigate! What lies within? What does it want with Logan? The Marvel Universe\'s newest alien menace is on the loose and ready to start a rampage...beware the creature from the blackness of space! Plus, Logan\'s declining health takes a turn for the much more can the old man\'s healing factor

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A March Calf A March Calf

Right from the start he is dressed in his best - his blacks and his whites. Little Fauntleroy - quiffed and glossy,A Sunday suit, a wedding natty get-up,Standing in dunged strawFor older readers than the first two volumes of Collected Animal Poems, animal life is seen afresh through the diversity and imaginative energy of this collected volume.

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Despicable Deadpool 2 Bucket List Despicable Deadpool 2 Bucket List

Deadpool has a lot of unfinished business in his inbox, and he\'s determined to take care of it before...any sort of bad and permanentish thing happens to him. Revenge on Stevil Rogers? Settling things with Rogue? Oh, and doesn\'t he still need to kill a few more folks? It\'s time to get Wade\'s affairs in order. You know, just in case... COLLECTING: DESPICABLE DEADPOOL 292-296

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Durer (25) Durer (25)

Though most famous for his engravings, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) was also a master painter and draftsman whose work exemplifies the spirit of German art. Dürer\'s importance in the German High Renaissance was such that he can be considered to embody the movement entirely. His visits to Italy (where he studied most notably with Giovanni Bellini) had a profound effect on his artistic development and

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Leterno marito Leterno marito

In una Pietroburgo estiva le cui interminabili

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Shopaholic to the Stars Shopaholic to the Stars

Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) is in Hollywood ! It\'s as if all her life has been leading to this moment. She\'s hanging out with the stars. Or at least she will be, when she finally gets to meet movie superstar Sage Seymour, whom husband Luke is now managing. There\'s so much to see and do! And getting Minnie through the hurdles for her A-list Hollywood pre-school will require some her help. Becky

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The Prague Orgy The Prague Orgy

In search of the unpublished manuscript of a martyred Yiddish writer, American novelist Nathan Zuckerman travels to Soviet-occupied Prague in the mid-1970s. There, in a nation straightjacketed by totalitarian Communism, he discovers a literary predicament marked by an institutionalised oppression that is rather different from his own. He also discovers, among the subjugated writers with whom he quickly

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North American Indian - Edward S. Curtis North American Indian - Edward S. Curtis

At the turn of the century, the American photographer Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868–1952) started on his thirty-year project to produce a monumental study of North American Indians. Using an approach that was both artistically and scientifically ambitious he recorded, in words and pictures, the traces of the traditional Indian way of life that was already beginning to die out.With tireless personal commitment

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Erwartung Erwartung

Marco ist fünfzehn und hasst sein Leben in einem Clan,dessen Mitglieder von ihrem gewalttätigen und zynischen Anführer Zola in die Kriminalität gezwungen werden. Als er sein Sklavendasein nicht mehr aushält und flieht, stößt er ganz in der Nähe von Zolas Wohnsitz auf eine Männerleiche Die Suche nach dem Mörder führt Carl, Assad, Rose und Gordon, den Neuen im Sonderdezernat Q, tief hinein in das Netzwerk

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CLE LFF 1 Michel Strogoff CLE LFF 1 Michel Strogoff

La Russie est en danger et le tsar charge Michel Strogoff d\'une mission secrte : porter une lettre son frre, le grand-duc, qui se trouve dans la lointaine Sibérie. Pour aller de Moscou Irkoutsk, Michel Strogoff change de nom et devient le marchand Nicolas Korpanoff, car personne ne doit savoir qui il est réellement : ni Nadia, une jeune fille qu\'il rencontre au début de son voyage et qui ne le quittera

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Mind the Map: Creative Mapmaking and Cartography Mind the Map: Creative Mapmaking and Cartography

Whether sketched on a napkin or generated from complex data, maps are a fascinating expression of contemporary visual culture. Their styles may range from simple to intricate, focused to comprehensive, and restrained to vivid, but all maps unlock the world and make it more accessible. In our age of omnipresent satellite navigation systems, personal interpretations of our surroundings are gaining in

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Over the last seven years Etgar Keret has had plenty of reasons to worry. His son, Lev, was born in the middle of a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv. His father became ill. And he has been constantly tormented by nightmarish visions of the Iranian president Ahmadinejad, anti-Semitic remarks both real and imagined, and, perhaps most worrisome of all, a dogged telemarketer who seems likely to chase him to

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