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El punto en cuestión

18,04 €
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El punto en cuestión

EAN: 9783125133419

Výrobca: Klett

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El punto en cuestión

Cudzojazyčná literatúra

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Koľko stojí El punto en cuestión?
Momentálne je tovar v akcii za cenu 18,04 €
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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Knihy > Cudzojazyčná literatúra

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Satira lidského charakteru a okouzlující fantastický příběh Gulliverovy cesty je nejslavnějším dílem Jonathana Swifta. Vypráví příběh Angličana Lemuela Gullivera, který cestuje po exotických zemích v nichž se setkává s nezapomenutelnými postavami, od maličkých Liliputánů až po obří obyvatele Brobdingnagu, a dostává se do mnoha legračních i ošidných situací. A satire of human nature and enchanting tale

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A Bit Lost A Bit Lost

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Nano House Nano House

Drawing on the success of XS series, Nano House presents 43 examples the most innovative, most ingenious and most responsible designs for small-scale (less than 75m2) houses set in a variety of contexts. Each house, shown in texts, photographs and pl ans, is an object lesson in domestic design. Using digital tools, sustainable materials and new prefabrication technologies, all these projects offer

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Let it Come Down Let it Come Down

\"Let It Come Down\", with its title from Macbeth, tells the story of Dyar, a New York bank clerk who throws up his secure, humdrum job to find a reality abroad with which to identify himself, and his macabre experiences in the inferno of Tangiers as he gives in to his darkest impulses. Rich in descriptions of the corruption and decadence of the International Zone in the last days before Moroccan independence,

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As you got older, were seized with a sort of shuddering, he perceived. All around you there seemed to be something glaring, garish, rattling, and the noises and glares hit upon the little cell called your life, and shook it, and scorched it. If he could only prevent himself growing up! He did not want to be a man\'. Jude Fawley, the stonemason excluded not by his wits but by poverty from the

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Face: The New Photographic Portrait Face: The New Photographic Portrait

Several new books have focused on the portrait, none with as much clarity as Face. —American Photo\"Highly recommended for all collections.\"—Library JournalThis groundbreaking publication announces the death of the conventional portrait. In an age when we are bombarded with flawless images of youthful beauty, when rejuvenation is available through a jar of cream or a scalpel, artists and photographers

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Civilization Civilization

Discover how humans created their world from the objects they left behind - from the US Constitution to the first iPhone - in DK\'s latest history book. From the beginning of human history, the one thing that has defined us is our talent for making things, from basic technology and everyday objects, such as bowls and hand axes, to high-tech inventions, such as supersonic aircraft, smart devices, and

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The Hobbits of Tolkien The Hobbits of Tolkien

An entire race was born when J.R.R. Tolkien scrawled on a leaf, \'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.\' From the invention of that single word (hobbit) Tolkien became the explorer and chronicler of the character, their race and their significant role in his fantastical world, Middle-earth. Here in his latest book, Tolkien expert David Day unpicks the myriad of riddles, puns and mystical meanings

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Peter Pan Peter Pan

\'All children, except one, grow up.\' It was Friday night. Mr and Mrs Darling were dining out. Nana had been tied up in the backyard. The poor dog was barking, for she could smell danger. And she was right - this was the night that Peter Pan would take the Darling children on the most breath-taking adventure of their lives, to a place called Neverland, a strange country where the lost boys live and

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Creative Confidence Creative Confidence

A powerful and inspiring book from the founders of IDEO, the award-winning design firm, on unleashing the creativity that lies within each and every one of us. Too often, companies and individuals assume that creativity and innovation are the domain of the \'creative types\'. But two of the foremost experts in innovation, design and creativity on the planet show us that each and every one of us is

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Warhol Ka Warhol Ka

Andy Warhol je považovaný za najdôležitejšieho predstaviteľa pop artu. Nadviazal na tradíciu silno subjektívneho umelca, ktorý sebe vlastným spôsobom vystupoval s ostrou kritikou americkej konzumnej spoločnosti (napr. séria Cambellových poli evok) inšpirovaný aj komiksovou kultúrou. V r. 1963 otvoril v New Yorku svoju \"Továreň\"- manufaktúru ídeí a práce, ktorá mala veľký vplyv na americký film 60.

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The Garden of Evil The Garden of Evil

The picture possessed a frightful beauty, one which burned so brightly that, once witnessed, could never be unseen ...Even the presence of two corpses, one clearly murdered, the other dead through strange and suspicious circumstances, did nothing to distract their attention from the canvas ...In a hidden studio in an area of Rome where the Vatican liked to keep an eye on the city\'s prostitutes, an

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Runaway Runaway

This is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The matchless Munro makes art out of everyday lives in this exquisite collection. Here are men and women of wildly different times and circumstances, their lives made vividly palpable by the nuance and empathy of Munro\'s writing. Runaway is about the power and betrayals of love, about lost children, lost chances. There is pain and desolation beneath

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