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Batman Knightfall Omnibus Vol. 3 - Knightsend

94,05 €
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Bruce Wayne turns to his old foe, Lady Shiva, for help in retraining. Meanwhile, moving in on an arms dealer, Batman discovers that the perpetrator might actually be an old and deadly enemy of the Order of St. Dumas. Bruce Wayne and Robin recruit Nightwing, the first Robin, to keep tabs on the new Batman's activities even as he continues his pursuit of the deadly arms dealer while Wayne sets up a training

EAN: 9781401278496

Výrobca: DC Comics

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Bruce Wayne turns to his old foe, Lady Shiva, for help in retraining. Meanwhile, moving in on an arms dealer, Batman discovers that the perpetrator might actually be an old and deadly enemy of the Order of St. Dumas. Bruce Wayne and Robin recruit Nightwing, the first Robin, to keep tabs on the new Batman's activities even as he continues his pursuit of the deadly arms dealer while Wayne sets up a training facility in an abandoned logging mill in the hills outside Gotham City.

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Koľko stojí Batman Knightfall Omnibus Vol. 3 - Knightsend?
Momentálne je tovar v akcii za cenu 94,05 €
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Produkt je zaradený v kategóriách Knihy > Cudzojazyčná literatúra

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